U&A Studies

We generally propose a two-phase approach: an exploratory qualitative phase and a quantitative phase.

  • An exploratory qualitative phase aimed at understanding in detail the behavior, attitudes, and opinions of consumers; this allows us to identify relevant questions for the quantitative phase.
  • A quantitative phase to measure and prioritize the hypotheses that emerged during the qualitative phase.

Depending on the issue and budget, we base our study on your customer file or a representative national panel, with the possibility of identifying specific targets (based on socio-demographic, geographic criteria, etc.).

A cross-analysis of the two studies, with the aim of facilitating decision-making through an optimal understanding of key insights.

Understand your audience

Explore the behaviors and attitudes of your target audience with our U&A studies to better understand their needs and expectations and make informed strategic decisions.


satisfied customers !

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What are the objectives ?

  • What do you need to know about your market to ensure the success of a new offer, service, or concept?
  • What changes have been observed in consumer behavior?
  • What are their habits and purchase intentions?
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Our References

Coming soon 🚀

The + Qualimetrie

  • Our experience in conducting qualitative and quantitative studies.

  • Our integrated call study and our interviewers specialized in various survey techniques.

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You can also benefit from our CX First solution

CX First is an open platform designed by our research experts and dedicated to:

  • Customer Experience
  • Employee Engagement
  • Operational Excellence
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Our case studies

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Our use cases are comming ! :fusée:

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For each problem, we identify the methodology best suited to your needs.

Related news

The world moves, consumers evolve and trends change… and we move with them so that we’re always ready to serve you!


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Our role by your side is not just to conduct good studies. For us, it is a duty, it is fundamental.

Our mission, making you progress


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