Improve your customers' & employees' experience

At Qualimetrie, we identify the methodology that best suits your needs and challenges.

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Experts in market research
for 100% tailored services !
Your customized studies

Our mission : helping you progress

Our role by your side is not just to conduct good studies.
For us, it is a duty, it is fundamental.


Measure your processes

Do you want to give your network an objective view of process adherence in stores, by phone, by mail, and/or online?

Ask your customers

Do you seek feedback to quickly identify the reasons for your customers’ dissatisfaction while capitalizing on your ambassadors?

Engage your customers / employees

Do you want to engage your customers/employees in the long term? Encourage your ambassadors and co-create your brand.

Some figures

Qualimetrie is THE marketing research consultancy specializing in customer experience management!

Connected points of sale

35 years of experience at your service

Our main goal is to listen to you and understand your needs. We listen to your challenges to offer you the best response. At Qualimetrie, we do not have preconceived formulas! We offer you a personalized collaboration that exceeds your expectations!

On the move with Qualimetrie!

The world moves, consumers evolve, and trends change… and we move with them to always be ready to serve and help you!  👌

Become a mystery shopper.

At Qualimetrie, mystery shoppers conducting mystery visits are called “Quality Clients.”

👉 Clients” for the role they play in a sale.

👉 “Quality” for the mission they carry out, contributing to improving the customer relationship with brands.

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Our Clients

More than 150 brands trust us daily to improve the experience they offer their customers.
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