Data Visualization and Decision Making with CX First

CX First was born from obvious needs: to collect and organize CX data, and to build simple dashboards to encourage users to engage with them and set challenges.

CX First was designed by and for operational teams. Unlike most market tools, which have been designed by those who never experience the reality on the operational field.

A response to reality
  • A proliferation of data and platforms
  • A need for greater clarity among the multitude of KPIs
  • Frontline stores that need help
  • Solutions that take time to implement

active users for over 400 data sources !

forme top triangles

CX First receives the French Tech label

CX First is an open platform designed by our research experts and dedicated to:

  • Customer Experience
  • Employee Engagement
  • Operational Excellence
dashboard desktop and mobile
mistery shopping photo

A platform tailored for you

With CX First, you will gather all your operational and customer experience indicator sources into a single modular and customizable platform.

  • Global vision
  • Comprehensive vision
  • Instant vision

CX First revolutionizes your customer experience management

  • Personalize your platform

  • Manage your customer experience

  • Lead your teams

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dashboard desktop and mobile

Take advantage of our CX First solution

CX First is THE customer experience management hub.

Gather your CX / Business indicators and manage your teams in a single platform.

100M+100M+Data stored
400+400+Data sources
Our case studies

Discover our know-how-related case studies!

Our use cases are comming ! :fusée:

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Contact us

For each problem, we identify the methodology best suited to your needs.

Related news

The world moves, consumers evolve and trends change… and we move with them so that we’re always ready to serve you!


Do you have any questions?
Contact us !

Our role by your side is not just to conduct good studies. For us, it is a duty, it is fundamental.

Our mission, making you progress


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