Round Table / Focus Group

We guide you through the methodological options that best serve the objectives you have set for the focus group:

  • Definition of group composition criteria, recruitment of participants from your customers and our own network, validation of profiles, logistics management (room rental if necessary, incentives), etc.
  • Creation of the moderation guide and determination of suitable moderation or creativity techniques
  • Group facilitation, recording, and transcription
  • Analysis and summary of the insights, presentation
The voice of your customers

Discover valuable insights through interactive discussions with your customers


tailored to your needs

forme top triangles

What are the objectives ?

  • Question a concept, packaging, offer, or customer experience to optimize them before marketing or implementation.
  • Bring out associations of ideas and conscious and unconscious perceptions
  • Understand underlying obstacles and motivations
  • Observe reactions and arguments
homme et femme business
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Our References

Coming soon 🚀

The + Qualimetrie

  • Experience in facilitating groups both in-person and remotely

  • Going further: the possibility of refining the insights of a focus group with co-construction communities or consolidating the insights with a quantitative validation phase

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You can also benefit from our CX First solution

CX First is an open platform designed by our research experts and dedicated to:

  • Customer Experience
  • Employee Engagement
  • Operational Excellence
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Our case studies

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For each problem, we identify the methodology best suited to your needs.

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The world moves, consumers evolve and trends change… and we move with them so that we’re always ready to serve you!


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Our role by your side is not just to conduct good studies. For us, it is a duty, it is fundamental.

Our mission, making you progress


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