Brand Image & Awareness Tracking

Conducting periodic tracking of consumer perception of your brand compared to competitors is essential, given the numerous sources of information that can influence your brand image and awareness: institutional communication, consumer opinions, influencers, social media, etc.

We assist you in creating the questionnaire, aiming to measure the knowledge (spontaneous, aided) of your brand and track its perception (image, purchase intention, preference, etc.).

The data is usually obtained from an online consumer panel.

We put your results into perspective compared to the competition and identify global and targeted action levers.

Watch your reputation grow

Track and analyze the evolution of your brand’s awareness and image over time.

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What are the objectives?

  • What is your level of spontaneous & aided awareness?
  • Does it vary according to the profile of the respondents?
  • How does it evolve over time?
  • What is the impact of your communications?
  • What image do your current and potential customers have of your brand? And of your competitors?
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Our References

Coming soon 🚀

The + Qualimetrie

  • Personalized support

  • Flexibility / responsiveness that allows us to launch fields quickly

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You can also benefit from our CX First solution

CX First is an open platform designed by our research experts and dedicated to:

  • Customer Experience
  • Employee Engagement
  • Operational Excellence
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For each problem, we identify the methodology best suited to your needs.

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The world moves, consumers evolve and trends change… and we move with them so that we’re always ready to serve you!


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Our role by your side is not just to conduct good studies. For us, it is a duty, it is fundamental.

Our mission, making you progress


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