
Qualimetrie offers you innovative solutions to centralize the monitoring and management of customer reviews through our CX First© solution.

  • Creation and configuration of relevant reference websites for your business.
  • Collection and centralization of online reviews.
  • Direct response from CX First© (editable response templates).

We also offer you a dashboard to monitor your performance: volumes of processed and unprocessed reviews, average response time, average rating consolidated across all target platforms, etc.

Take control of your online presence

Monitor and optimize your e-reputation to achieve impactful results!

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What are the objectives?

  • Monitor your global and local e-reputation.
  • Supervise the management of your reviews.
  • Facilitate your teams’ work in monitoring and responding to reviews.
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Our References

Coming soon 🚀

The + Qualimetrie

  • Teams committed to your success.

  • Our support in implementing customized solutions.

  • Our ecosystem of partners.

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You can also benefit from our CX First solution

CX First is an open platform designed by our research experts and dedicated to:

  • Customer Experience
  • Employee Engagement
  • Operational Excellence
10M+10M+Data stored
400+400+Data sources
Our case studies

Discover our know-how-related case studies!

Our use cases are comming ! :fusée:

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For each problem, we identify the methodology best suited to your needs.

Related news

The world moves, consumers evolve and trends change… and we move with them so that we’re always ready to serve you!


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Our role by your side is not just to conduct good studies. For us, it is a duty, it is fundamental.

Our mission, making you progress


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