Tourism and Leisure

Qualimetrie helps tourism and leisure operators optimize their visitors’ experience, online reputation, and overall performance. With tools like satisfaction surveys, data analysis, and social listening, Qualimetrie enables tourism operators to better understand the profiles, needs, and expectations of their visitors and to implement actions to satisfy and communicate effectively with them. Every year, Qualimetrie publishes a benchmark based on surveys conducted in more than 60 parks and leisure sites.

The richness and uniqueness of these benchmarks are based on the spirit of collaboration we maintain with our clients and the care we put into publishing these references.

The diversity and significance of the parks that integrate and contribute to this benchmark are of unique richness, especially as they benefit from contextual data.

5555Park clients in EuropeThe data for these benchmarks is collected during the studies we conduct for each of these parks.
420 000420 000data points

Our dedicated expertise: Tourism and Leisure


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Our role by your side is not just to conduct good studies. For us, it is a duty, it is fundamental.

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